Detroit Locksmith

Locksmith Hamtramck

Locksmith Hamtramck
Locksmith Hamtramck

Locksmith Hamtramck

Automobile Locks from Locksmith Hamtramck

To open most automobiles you need a key, sometimes this key has multiple purpose, such as opening the trunk or the glove compartment, as well as the door and ignition.

Locksmith Hamtramck can handle every type of vehicle lock problem

Locksmith Hamtramck believe that in order to be able to deal with the necessary problems that happen to automobiles, their locksmiths need to have the necessary training to be able to handle these vehicle lock problems. Therefore, we have handpicked some of the best trained locksmiths to deal with our customer problems.  This service to the community is available on a 24/7 basis, so that you are assured that a technician will be available when you need it most.

Common problems that need emergency attention

Some of the common problems that our locksmiths face, are keys jammed in the lock, or the key has broken in the lock. The transponder is damaged and needs to be fixed, ignitions are damaged and need to be replaced, keys need rekeying, duplicate keys made, or locks rekeyed, we deal with old and new vehicles.  Call us at Locksmith Hamtramck today, get a free quote and be amazed at our excellent prices.